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Multigenerational Homes Come With Endless Benefits, Studies Show

October 25, 2023
Nikki Rhoades
Read Time
2 minutes

Ever heard of an in-law suite? Many homes feature additional spaces⁠—sometimes attached to the house, sometimes existing as a standalone structure⁠—that allow multiple generations of a single family to live together while still maintaining some independence and privacy.

Also known as multigenerational units or granny flats, these additional spaces are particularly attractive to potential homebuyers. Aside from offering additional space, there are a multitude of benefits that come with fostering an intergenerational household.

Seniors, unfortunately, may find that they start to feel unappreciated or depressed as they age. This is often linked with the belief that age brings a lack of motivation or ability to contribute, something that is directly combated by intergenerational social networks.

Amazingly, grandchildren and other young people can also benefit directly from interacting with older generations. In a Brazilian study, it was discovered that such interaction leads to an improved understanding between generations. Additionally, this same study noted that elderly participants reported improvement in their health following interaction with school-aged children.

Other studies have suggested that intergenerational interaction may be linked to improved cognitive performance in seniors, as well as emotional regulation… something that is endlessly valuable in older adults that are starting to feel the stressors of aging.

Many older adults have also expressed that the idea of living close to family and maintaining their independence with minor assistance is significantly more attractive than the premise of living in a nursing home. Children of aging seniors might also be surprised to learn that the cost of adding an in-law suite to their homes is actually, in many cases, more cost-effective than a single year spent in a nursing home or assisted living facility.

In addition to all of the benefits that come with living in a blended home, you’ll also find that there is nothing as valuable as time spent with family. As we age, society tends to see us as outdated… a stigma that’s damaging in more ways than one. You will find, however, that spending your golden years surrounded by family invigorates you with a sense of security and confidence that simply can’t be added to any nursing home package.